Aug 5, 2015

MICHE Handbag giveaway!

I love the Miche company where their focus is on custom, high quality interchangeable handbags!  I joined because I absolutely LOVE the products!

I never change handbags because I always leave things in the other bag (receipts, etc.) or then I have to clean the thing out and that takes time. Consequently, sometimes my bag really doesn't match what I'm wearing (not a good look).

So, when I found out about Miche, I was sold - finally a bag that I could use and easily change the look of in a snap!

Check out all the handbags on my shopping site HERE!

Take a look at this video about Miche (click HERE if you can't see the video):

Miche also sells stand alone bags, like the one below!
In order to win this bag above, please use the sign up form below to sign up for a Miche focused newsletter on the latest from Miche, promos and fashion info (click HERE if you can't see the form):

Winner to be announced on Friday, August 7, 2015!